Thursday, August 28, 2014


Hi I went to visit my sister and brother-in-law in Pennsylvania for a few days. Here is a painting that I worked on there and finished yesterday. We also saw thousands of Corvettes that gathered there for a weekend show and parade.....that's another story. Roy

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why was yesterday's Buddha Sun painting sad?

Sometimes when paint I just see something and I go with it......this Buddha Sun painting I have worked and reworked so many times!  It was hanging out on the patio during the monsoon-like rain we had here on Long Island. Yesterday evening, after the storm, it called to me to freshen up the face which had been battered by the pounding rain and wind. As I was painting I noticed the tear-like shape coming from his eye....."Oh! Buddha Sun is sad this evening," and I went with it. On the surface the emotions are always changing, like the clouds in the sky, deep down inside and always present, is the Sun of awareness, simply watching, illuminating. Thanks for looking. Roy