Monday, January 14, 2013


Recently on my holiday break from my day job (special ed. teacher) I went to visit my sister and her husband in Pennsylvania.  This is always a great way to spend my vacation.  We often go to art galleries and museums and just hang out a lot.  Both my brother-in-law and sister are wonderful chefs and every meal is, to me, gourmet!  On this last visit I got to spend a few days house/cat sitting while my sister and her husband were away.  I spent a lot of time working on a few paintings.  One of which was a portrait of their living room.  I also took photos of the room so I could finish the painting when I got home to Long Island.  The painting is 18" x 24" mixed media. When the painting was finished I mailed it to them.  Here are some pics.  I hope you like them.
 My brother-in-law is a wonderful photographer.  Check out his photos here:

1 comment:

  1. Love the energy & detail you brought into this room. Beautiful portraits & lighting but you really brought it to life!! Very nice!! TSC
